Phone: +64 272 789 963

Vitality Kitchen's

Vitality Kitchens opened in Tauranga in 2023, after Sean and Mané purchased The Nourished Eatery from its founder, Shar. 

The values, passion and ethical focus of the cafe remain the same, but now it has become a space representative of it’s new owner’s too. Additionally, we are proud to be a sister café to Vitality Organics. Not only do we share half our name, we also share recipes, goodies and sometimes even staff!

Mané is a talented and passionate cook who has been fueling her family with delicious vegan food for over a decade now. Owning a plant-based café has been a dream for years, and now that she does, she has absolutely flourished in her new role. Come for a visit and chat sometime soon to hear all about the journey!


I know we have said it before, but all our food is plant-based and cruelty free. We all love a nice treat when eating out but the real treat at Vitality Kitchen is the feel-good feeling you have when you leave, full, satisfied and guilt-free!

We have sweet and savoury cabinet food everyday. Plus we have a kitchen menu that is full of amazing plant-based meals for when you need a full feed. 

Oh – we also do coffee, and it is pretty RAD too. 

We want to share our vision for this beautiful café and answer some of your questions!

YES! We will remain a Vegan café
YES! We will continue to have all of the yummy gluten free treats
YES! We are bringing the menu back
YES! You can still order cakes
YES! There will be healthier options in the cabinet

We want to continue to provide all your favourite treats, while also incorporating some more healthy vegan options such as wraps, soups, salads, raw slices etc.

Over the next couple of weeks we will be trying out new recipes and we hope you love them 🫶🏻 also your feedback is always so very appreciated Thank you everyone for the amazing support ✨ we are so excited to share this journey with you all